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Rifle Bullets


Mission Statement

To provide a thoughtful and informative perspective on the gun control debate through the use of research and logic.

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Legal Action Filed!

“The CCFR is committed to standing up for the rights of law-abiding firearm owners in Canada, and this oppressive and unfair action by...

Veterans Respond to Undemocratic Process

Canadian Veterans Rob Furlong and Maury Gratrix respond to the lack of democratic process from the Canadian Government. Watch Here:...

Dear Members of Parliament: Demand Democracy

Regardless of party affiliation, it is every Member of Parliament's responsibility to "protect and uphold" the democratic values of Canada.

Why is the Gun Debate in Canada So Toxic?

"If the case for gun control is so clear, why are the lies, name-calling and the character assassination even necessary? There's a lot...

Lend a Hand, Complete this Survey

To help the public develop a fair understanding of the Canadian firearms community, there needs to be more research. Take a few minutes...

But It's Just Assault Rifles

In a plain and simple way, Steve Hamilton from BC Outdoors Magazine, walks through why gun owners are upset about the recent gun ban, but...

Ban All Guns - That's the Answer Right?

"When a city is experiencing a spree of gang shootings, the most ineffective leaders call for a ban on handguns." This video from the...

Stand Against an Undemocratic Process

Take a moment to read and sign Petition e-2574. The petition calls "upon the Prime Minister to immediately scrap his government’s May 1,...

The OFAH Stands Up for Firearm Owners

"Firearms should be classified or re-classified based on form and function, not by appearance, colour or a curved magazine... [The OFAH...

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