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Writer's pictureLesley Butler

Lend a Hand, Complete this Survey

Updated: May 21, 2020

To help the public develop a fair understanding of the Canadian firearms community, there needs to be more research. Take a few minutes to share with PhD Candidate, Noah Schwartz, what gun ownership, hunting, sport shooting, and gun collecting means to you.

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From "Team CSSA" Tuesday, May 12th 2020 Newsletter

Lend a hand, complete this survey ... PhD Study on Firearms Policy

To whom it may concern,

My name is Noah Schwartz. I am a doctoral candidate at Carleton University studying firearms policy.

I am interested in better understanding the social meanings and personal values that gun owners attach to firearms. Most research done on gun ownership comes from the United States. Little is known about Canada’s over two-million licensed gun owners, creating a blind spot for researchers and leading to a misinformed public debate. The purpose of this questionnaire is to better understand what guns mean to the people who own and use them, and how this motivates political action. I am interested in hearing about gun owners’ personal involvement in hunting and the shooting sports, and what they think about the role that firearms have played in Canadian history. The survey also asks participants about their involvement with the gun-rights movement, which could be useful for your organization.

I would be grateful if you would be willing to circulate this link to my online survey among your members:

This project was reviewed and cleared by the Carleton University Research Ethics Board A (Project #112735). If you have any ethical concerns with the study, please contact the Chair of the Carleton University Research Ethics Board (by phone at 613-520-2600 ext. 2517 or by email at

Warmest regards,

Noah Schwartz PhD Candidate Department of Political Science Carleton University…/fo…/SV_blnqMIQyKpWciNv

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