“The CCFR is committed to standing up for the rights of law-abiding firearm owners in Canada, and this oppressive and unfair action by the minority Liberal government with their irrational firearm ban will not be allowed to go unchallenged."
- CCFR's General Counsel, Michael Loberg
Today, the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights "filed an Application in Federal Court in opposition to the recent firearm ban announced by the minority Liberal government on May 1." The 39 page application outlines points such as legal administrative issues, Canadian Charter of Rights issues, and Canadian Bill of Rights issues with the recently announced firearms legislation. The CCFR is honest that we will win on some claims but will also lose on other claims. However, the biggest win will hopefully be "certainty."
To read the CCFR's media release, click here:
To watch CCFR CEO & Executive Director, Rob Giltaca, speak about the legal action, click here:
To read the Notice of Application, click here: